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The Red Caps

AGM Report

Thursday the 1st of September saw the Cricket Club hold this seasons AGM. It was great to see plenty of numbers in attendance.

The Club would like to thank out going Secretary Brigette Clements and Committee Member Matt Dyer for their service to the committee.

Elected Members

President: Andrew Frick

Vice President: Jamie Fewster

Treasurer: Ben & Steph Wilks

Secretary: James Howatt (new member)

General Committee: Brent Harris, Trent George, Aden Martin (new member), Pete Forrest, Tyson Collins (new member), John O'Donohue (new member).

Clubhouse Manager: Aden Martin

PLCA Delegate: Andrew Frick Proxy: Jamie Fewster

Social Media/Website: Andrew Frick / Ella Fewster

Child Safety Officer/s: Jason Fauser, Mikaela Frick, Jamie Fewster

A Grade Captain: TBC

B Grade Captain: Jamie Fewster

Under 16s Coach: Jamie Fewster

Under 12s Coach: Pete Forrest and Assistant

Blasters Coach: Andrew Frick & Ella Fewster

At the conclusion of election of officers a general meeting was held with the club excited to announce a few new initiatives and projects.

The biggest announcement was around Juniors and that for season 2022/23 There will be NO Junior Registration fees - excluding the mandatory play HQ / Insurance fee of $16.00 (Woolworths Blasters $30). Juniors will now also play in full coloured clothing provided by the club at no charge and as per previous seasons any child that needs equipment to play this will be provided by the club at no cost. Effectively it will now cost just $16.00 for a season of cricket making it one of the cheapest if not cheapest sports to play for kids Under 16 to play in Port Lincoln.

The seniors were also welcomed with the news that ball fees will be scrapped for the season and Registration will be $120 for the year.

Registrations are now open and can be done through the following link

Both of the above have been made possible by the ongoing support of The Chook Shed over the previous seasons and the generous sponsorships (will touch on these in a seperate piece) that the club has been able to foster over the past few years.

The other big announcement (amongst all announcements) was the clubs new website Its a work in progress but already looks fantastic and will showcase our sponsors and club fantastically.

Training will begin casually shortly with official dates to be announced in the near future.

Here is to a big season of cricket!

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